
Reach Out

The “REACH OUT” series, unveiled in January 2020, serves as an initiative to democratize access to classical Indian arts. By bringing performances of classical dance and music to less accessible spaces such as government schools, orphanages, old-age homes, and schools for the differently-abled, this program aims to provide a unique cultural experience to individuals who might not have the opportunity to attend traditional venues.

The initiative recognizes the importance of cultural exposure in fostering a well-rounded education and enriching lives. By presenting these art forms in familiar and comfortable environments, the “REACH OUT” series helps to bridge the gap between the arts and diverse communities. This effort not only enhances cultural awareness and appreciation but also nurtures an inclusive environment where everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances, can experience the beauty and depth of India’s classical traditions.

Furthermore, such initiatives can inspire creativity, build confidence, and provide therapeutic benefits to the participants. The program underscores the belief that art should be accessible to all, breaking down barriers and creating opportunities for engagement and connection with India’s rich artistic heritage.

The “REACH OUT” series was unveiled in Jan 2020. The aim is to take the art-forms to less accessible spaces like government schools, orphanages, old-age homes, and schools for the differently abled so that the students or residents of these institutions can see and experience classical dance/music in a space that is familiar to them.




The first event was organized at the government Primary School, Narayanapura, on the 30th of January 2020, which also coincided with Sri Panchami – the auspicious day when Sri Saraswati, the Goddess of learning and wisdom is worshipped across India.

Vidushi Geeta Sirisha was our first artist and brought great excitement and wonder to the many children at the school with her well-presented Bharatanatyam performance.

We make what we love

I’ve seen great talent in the most surprising spaces. It is this that led to the setting up of Reach Out. The happiness here is true, there is no judgment, just joy.

new ideas

The next great artiste, teacher, scientist, engineer or doctor who comes from these schools would grow up and speak of a performance they saw that gave them a new perspective on life.

new spirit

Onward. Together.